Did you know that pills have a digestion rate of only 10-50%? With oral absorption, you can ensure that you are getting the most out of your vitamins and supplements. At Downtown Dental Associates, we use vitamins in the form of sprays; oral absorption is up to 90% effective, allowing the body to immediately utilize all of the necessary nutrients. We use a B-complex vitamin spray to heal cuts and surgical sites, acting as a liquid bandage. The B-complex vitamin spray also helps to stop bleeding – you can see the healing take place right before your eyes!

Our talented dentist, Dr. BJ Showman, also offers over 30 other vitamin product sprays so you can receive all of the nutrients the body needs, including antioxidants. These sprays contain no fillers or binders, which means that you receive the purest form of vitamins, minerals, and nutritional supplements with no unwanted materials or additives. We invite you to call our dental office at 216-241-4303 today to learn more about oral absorption, our vitamin sprays, and the benefits of the B-complex vitamin spray in Cleveland, Ohio. We are eager to speak with you!